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18 Nov 2019 /Industry 4.0, Polaris VSM

VSM 4.0 is available on Microsoft Azure Marketplace!

Lean Management 4.0

Not only manufacturing companies are wondering how Lean can be made even leaner. iFAKT has been pursuing this question intensively for some time now. The VSM 4.0 Value Stream Modeler software application is our answer to the customer’s needs:
With VSM 4.0 we have reached a whole new level by enabling multilevel Value Stream Mapping for an enterprise view and by offering a connection to live IoT data for continuous automatic reality versus target benchmarks checks. The algorithm responsible for the optimization assessment permanently highlights the largest discrepancies by suggesting an analysis of the next steps for continuous improvement.

VSM 4.0 is built on the cloud-based Microsoft Azure architecture

Thanks to the Azure cloud-based architecture, the integration of live data from the IoT as well as the interface with tools for capacity evaluation and simulation have reached new dimensions.
VSM 4.0 is our approach to the demand for making Lean even leaner. And we are delighted to be able to offer VSM 4.0 now also on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace.

Improve your analysis process with digital Lean shop floor management
and save costs

Permanent avoidance of inefficiency and waste are the fundamentals of Lean Management. The effort to perform analysis as well as monitoring and managing continuous improvement processes is quite high. VSM 4.0 improves the analysis process itself by minimizing the effort to identify and monitor inefficient processes as well as digitally modeling Lean business processes.

How VSM 4.0 helps you to make your processes even leaner

  • Digital Value Stream Analysis and Value Stream Design with full flexibility through
    touch-based paperless modeling
  • Multilevel view and data aggregation for easy collaboration between management,
    lean experts and shop floor
  • Project and value stream overviews, as well as graphically processed evaluations,
    provide a quick overview (PDCA and Version Management)
  • Process optimization guiding system and visualization
  • Innovative user interfaces and cloud-based architecture for easy connection to
    shop floor systems (E.g.: IIoT or MES)
  • Creation of individual KPI calculation
  • Comparison between various value stream revision levels
  • Application designed to run on all OS and any kind of device

Key Benefits

  • Reduce values stream operations lead time and cost by min. 25%
  • Analyze cross-process performance impacts on various organizational levels
    (process, station, line, plant, supply chain)
  • Real-time delivery performance assessment (actual versus plan)
  • Integrated PDCA management
  • Seamless collaboration between differently involved functions eg. lean experts, operations & management

VSM 4.0 in a nutshell

The VSM 4.0 Value Stream Modeler is a software application for digital Lean shop floor management tailored to the needs of lean management teams in the era of Industry 4.0. The Value Stream Modeler is based on a modern, intuitive cloud and touch technology, providing all Industry 4.0 aspects and can seamlessly integrate data analytics, improvement algorithms, simulation and IoT data streaming for VSM Lean practice.

Would you like to learn more about our software VSM 4.0?
Have a look at the Microsoft Azure Marketplace page:

VSM 4.0 on Azure Marketplace

or check our VSM 4.0 Flyer to get detailed information on the functions of VSM 4.0:

Download VSM 4.0 Flyer

You have specific questions?
Feel free to contact us by using our contact form or by calling +49 (0) 711 794 189 - 0.

We are happy to help!