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22 Mar 2019 /Industry 4.0, Events

Predictive ERP & Industry 4.0 in Paris!

Predictive ERP in the age of the Industry 4.0

One city, seven key speakers, 125 attendees and one topic:
The Predictive ERP for smart operations management in the age of the Industry 4.0.

On February 7th, 2019, iFAKT hosted a conference presenting cutting-edge applications and solutions to tackle complex manufacturing challenges. The event took place in the Paris campus of Arts et Metiers ParisTech, a top-quality French engineering school focused on using science and technology to improve the industry.
The conference’s aim was to examine two dimensions - the scientific and the industrial perspective: Therefore, Samir Lamouri, university professor at Arts et Metiers ParisTech, started the conference with an overall introduction of the Industry 4.0. Following this, our colleague and PhD student Juan Pablo Usuga Cadavid presented the state-of-the-art of production planning and control with machine learning.
After the scientific approach, key note speakers from iFAKT, Microsoft and Airbus showcased their solution approaches to the audience:
iFAKT presented its software Predictive ERP, a solution that coordinates information systems in a company to improve production by means of a better utilisation of resources. Microsoft demonstrated applications of IoT with artificial intelligence such as computer vision in factories to avoid accidents or shop floor real time machine monitoring for decision making. Subsequently, Airbus Commercial Aircraft shared the principles of the Incubator Plateau, which aims to tackle company needs with digital solutions. Among others, a special tracking solution, which allows suppliers to track their containers, was showcased. The solution helps to perform data analytics of the container use, improving the relationship with the suppliers.
In the future, Airbus intends to do stock simulation, resource allocation, and supply orders optimization with the support of IMS – one of several modules within the Predictive ERP software.
Finally, Airbus Defence and Space pointed out, how they use IMS in order to perform intelligent resource allocation and lead time reduction in solar array production.

The keynotes were followed by a panel discussion with the representatives of the industry, where the attendants could ask questions and discuss with the experts. It was a fruitful exchange of ideas and allowed a better comprehension of the different approaches.
Afterwards, the attendants and the key note speakers had to opportunity to network and exchange their experiences during an informal get-together with cocktails and snacks.

We would like to thank the Alumni association “Société des Ingénieurs Arts & Métiers”, Arts et Metiers ParisTech and FAPICS for their great support - especially regarding the organization and the marketing of the event. A big thank you also to the key note speakers, GdR MACS and the attendants for their contributions and for making this first iFAKT conference such a big success.
Due to the great feedback, iFAKT intends to make this type of event a common practice as it allows us to present our projects, socialize and contribute to the academic research on the Industry 4.0 by building a bridge between academia and industry.

You would like to have a look at our presentation about “The Predictive ERP for smart operations management in the age of the Industry 4.0” ?
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The conference can be watched here:
Predictive ERP in the age of the Industry 4.0 (Video)