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7 Apr 2022 /Industry 4.0, Events, Polaris VSM

Live webinar: “What's new in VSM 4.0?“ Register now and join us live on April 27 or 28, 2022! 

Learn in the webinar how VSM 4.0 supports you in optimizing your production and how you can apply the new features in the collaborative tool.  


Date 1: April 27, 2022 I 10:00 am 
Date 2: April 28, 2022 I 4:00 pm 
Duration: 30 minutes 
Language: English 

This live webinar is divided into two sections - basic functions and new features in the Value Stream Modeler VSM 4.0. 

The first part will be about the basics of Value Steam Mapping, the benefits of digital VSM and how you can easily design value streams. Additionally, you will get helpful information about the functional levels of visualization, calculation, activities (PDCA) and integration. 

The second part will offer exclusive live insights into the new functions of VSM 4.0. In the Modeler, we will focus on the toolbox for providing auxiliary methods and the enhanced visualization of inventory information. Regarding the formula system, the calculation of the quantity per day with losses and finding the critical path will be looked at in more detail. Hereby you will learn how to use these features in Value Stream Mapping and Value Stream Design. 

Would you like to learn more about Value Stream Mapping in advance? Then you are welcome to inform yourself at: Digital Value Stream Analysis and Value Stream Design with VSM 4.0 I iFAKT GmbH

Register now for April 27

Register now for April 28

See you there!