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26 Jan 2021 /Industry 4.0, Events, Polaris VSM, Polaris IMS

Join iFAKT at the event

This year's LeanAroundTheClock event, LATC2021@Home, returns from January 21 to January 29 with impulse presentations via live stream. Our colleagues Lars Schubert, Jörg Drees, and Patrick Zylka will provide insights on the following topics on January 27, 2021:

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 I 12:00 pm:
Lars Schubert I Jörg Drees

Make Enterprise Resource Planning leaner!
Value Chain Management vs Supply Chain Management in Series Production

Shared resources, large numbers of variants in series production, bottlenecks, and delivery disruptions in manufacturing. Everything seems complicated; the context not always clear. And the customer is waiting for his product.
Lean principles can help to manage the conflict between flow-optimized material flow and economical material inventory.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021 I 3:00 pm:
Jörg Drees I Patrick Zylka

Store Floor Management with VSM 4.0 -.
Mastering challenges for the successful use of the digital value stream - method.

Welcome to the digital world. What is important about this new way of working?
What happens to me when I can access my data anytime and anywhere?

How do I create the conditions to master complex correlations digitally, together with colleagues, and with lean methods?
How do I connect with others when I want to bring forward solutions and decisions? How can I make best practices accessible in my organization in a target-oriented way?

Mark the slots right now, join us, and let's discuss the varied topics around Lean Enterprise Resource Planning and digital Shopfloor Management.

You can find the complete program here:
Program overview LeanAroundTheClock@Home 2021

Our presentations will be held in German.


Register now!

We are looking forward to seeing you!